historical guided city tours Berlin
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Brandenburg Gate

A Prices

B Looking for landmarks?          

C Guidelines

D Contact




2,5 hours tour:
Individual ticket:   12.- €
reduced tickets (students, etc.)       10.- €
Children     7.- €
Children under 6 years:   free of charge!  

4 hours tour:
Individual ticket:   15.- €
reduced tickets (students, etc.)       13.- €
Children     9.- €
Children under 6 years:   free of charge!  

Individual tours:   60.- € per hour!

Looking for landmarks? Move your mouse over the map of the inner city at about 1920 !

S-Bahn am Hackeschen Markt / Station Hackescher Markt Alexanderplatz / Alexander Square Historischer Hafen / historical harbor Garnisonskirche / Garrison Church Schloßbrücke / castle bridge Heilig-Geist-Kapelle / Holy Ghost Chapel Schloßplatz mit Neptunbrunnen /Castle square with Neptun fountain Bild Alt-Cölln / Old Cologne by Berlin Börse / Stock exchange Friedrichwerdersche Kirche / Friedrichwerder Church Kaiser-Wilhelm-Straße / Emperor William Road Klosterviertel/Stadthaus / Cloisterquarter townhouse Königsstraße / Kingsstreet Molkenmarkt / old market Mühlendamm/Nikolaiviertel /Milldam Nikolaiquarter Nikolaikirche / Nikolai-Church Ribbeckhaus / Ribbeckhouse Rotes Rathaus / Red Townhall Haus mit den 99 Schafsköpfen / House with the 99 Sheepheads Zeughaus Unter den Linden / Arsenal Stadtschloß / Towncastle Schleusenwärterhäuschen / House of the watergate keeper Bauakademie / Academy of Architecture Bahnhof Alexanderplatz / Station Alexander Square Parochialkirche / Parochial Church Schloßfreiheit mit Kaiser Wilhelm-Denkmal / Emperor William Memorial in front of the castle Marienkirche und Lutherdenkmal / Mary Church and Luther Memorial Graues Kloster / Grey Cloister Märkisches Museum und Waisenbrücke / Town museum and orphan bridge Lustgarten und Stadtschloß / Lustgarden and Town Castle Dom / Cathedral Georgenkirche

Map of the inner city at about 1690 in the baroque era.

Leipziger Tor / Leipzig  Gate Klosterkirche / Monastery Church Cöllner Dom / Cathedral Hafen / Harbour Molkemarkt und Petrikirche / Old Market and Petri-Church Neuer Markt mit Marienkirche / New Market and Mary-Church Nikolaikirche / Nikolai-Church Rathaus / Townhall Schloß / Castle Schloßplatz / Castlesquare Spandauer Tor / Spandau Gate Gemüsegarten am Schloß / Vegetable Garden at the Castle Ribbeckhaus / Ribbeckhouse Petrikirche / Petri-Church




The focussing point of our special Berlin-Tours is the historical dimension. Trying to cover the historical span from medieval times to modernday Berlin, all tours are planned by historians and augmented with additional documentaries.
This constitutes our exceptional profile: All our tourguides are native Germans, and while they may amuse you with a typical German accent, they intimately know things German.. So they know through personal experience the exceptional situation which the Berlin Wall created dividing East and West.
Walking instead of driving gives you the opportunity to explore more thoroughly the immediate vicinity: Stroll through narrow alleys, peep into old mansion's entrances or experience the silence in some backyards.
Some buildings will also be shown in their historical perspective. Here for instance the development of the medevial Berlin courthouse:




If you want more information, please call 030 / 46 06 37 88.
Reservations only through telefone.
Email to Bärentouren
Visit our guestbook!



Holder of Bärentouren:
Michael Bockau
- Historian -
Hochstr. 18
13357 Berlin
Tel.: 030 / 46 06 37 88

© 2004 Michael Bockau